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Quatations sms; 255 messages

Unfortunate is he who

Unfortunate is he who cannot gain a few sincere friends during his life and more unfortunate is the one who has gained them and then lost them (through his deeds).

164 chars (2 sms)



1)Agar, Rona Chatay Ho Tu ALLAH K Azaab Ko Yad Kr K Ro,

2)Khana Chatay Ho Tu ALLAH Ka KhoF Khao,

3)Peena Chatay Ho Tu GUSSA Peo,

4)Pehanna Chatay Ho Tu Sharam-O-Haya Ka Libaas Pehno,

5)Intazar Chatay Ho Tu MOUT Ka Karo,

6)Khatam Karna Chatay Ho Tu NAFS Ki Khuwaish Ko Khatm Karo.../

318 chars (2 sms)

The Trouble Wid

The Trouble Wid A Rat Race... Is That
Even If U Win, U Are Still A Rat...
Always Run Wid Lions... No Matter Even If U R Defeated... U R Still A Lion... ;->

164 chars (2 sms)

Look Not Mournfully

Look Not Mournfully Into Past...
It Comes Not Again
Wisely Improve The Present
It''s Thine....
Go Forth To Meet The Shadowy Future
Widout Fear & Wid A Manly Heart .........

178 chars (2 sms)

U Are Not Resposible

U Are Not Resposible
For What People Thimk
About U
U Are Responsible For
What U Give Them To
Think About U ....

Remember To Positive
Attitude Always ....

168 chars (2 sms)

Learn to handle criticism

(7) Learn to handle criticism. Let it develop you instead of discourage you.

(8) Determine your own worth instead of letting others do it for you. They''ll short-change you!
(9) Keep your shortcomings in perspective - you''re still a work in progress.

(10) Focus daily on your greatest source of confidence - the God Who lives in you !

345 chars (3 sms)

Never think or speak

1) Never think or speak negatively about yourself; that puts you in disagreement with God.

(2) Meditate on your God-given strengths and learn to encourage yourself, for much of the time nobody else will.

(3) Don''t compare yourself to anybody else. You''re unique, one of a kind, an original. So don''t settle for being a copy.

(4) Focus on your potential, not your limitations. Remember, God lives in you!

(5) Find what you like to do, do well, and strive to do it with excellence.

(6) Have the courage to be different. Be a God pleaser, not a people pleaser.

577 chars (4 sms)

The optimist proclaims

The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds;

And the pessimist fears this is true.

113 chars (1 sms)

In d book cal''d life

In d book cal''d life, d page yesterday is over, d page future is blank n page 2day is bin writin. So rite the best u can, coz on dis book ur eraser jst don''t work

164 chars (2 sms)

If love is your

"If love is your weakest point then you r the strongest person in the world."

Abraham Lincoln

97 chars (1 sms)

If u r born poor

If u r born poor, its not ur mistake
If u die poor, its ur mistake

--- Bill Gates

101 chars (1 sms)

to suceed in this

to suceed in this world remember these 3 maxims:
1)to see is to know
2)to desire is to be able to
3)to dare is to have

-alfred de musset

144 chars (1 sms)

In times Of difficulties

In times Of difficulties
Never Say "Oh God i have big Problem!"
But Instead Say
"Oh Problem! I have Big God"
Everything Will be Fine & Okay

144 chars (1 sms)

Happiness always

Happiness always lukz small
when we hold it in our hands,
but when we learn to share it..
we realize how big & precious it is..!!

133 chars (1 sms)

sweetest part in lyf

sweetest part in lyf is 2 carry all da memories in lyf
but da tuffest part is 2 say gud bye 2 dat person whu is behind
all dose memories.....

144 chars (1 sms)

Hottest SMS Messages this week

Fill in the blanks

aaj ka sawal prime m

Light kab aye ge ?

Ramazan Mubarak Ho!

boycott indian new movie 3 ..

Kero gy Yaad Guzray Zamanay ..

Sun Is Upset.. Moon Is Happ..

Badla jo Waqt

Faakey pe faka ho raha hai

Gabbar: Aare o sambha!

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